The Benefits of Being a Mechanic in a Buggy Tour Company

Being a mechanic in my own company has given me the freedom and satisfaction to create the buggies of my dreams

Nothing makes me happier than seeing the smiles on my clients faces when they see my buggies for the first time. They know they are in for a treat and are excited for what lies ahead!

But the route on the buggy tour Mijas is not a smooth asphalt road trip, it’s an off-road adventure that takes us through some rough terrain so preparation is key. By being prepared I can avoid many potential problems and breakdowns. Preparation is not only about being smart, it’s also about being enthusiastic and I really do want my customers to enjoy the thrill of driving them as much as I do. When you are passionate about something the enthusiasm comes naturally.

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One of my passions in life is being a mechanic and a great skill to have for running my own buggy company. I love working on off road motorbikes and buggies, especially when they are challenging and adventurous. I like to get my hands dirty and feel the satisfaction of fixing a problem or improving a performance. I enjoy making my vehicles fun to drive, whether it’s by adding some custom features, tuning the engine, or upgrading the suspension. Being a mechanic is not just a job for me, it’s a hobby and a lifestyle.

I have always been fascinated by how things work and how to fix them when they break. One of the reasons for this is that I grew up watching my dad repair all kinds of stuff around the house and in his own business as an agricultural engineer. He was a handyman who could handle anything from plumbing to carpentry to electronics. He taught me a lot of skills and tricks that I still use today. He also showed me how to be enthusiastic and curious about learning new things and solving problems. I am very grateful for his influence and guidance in my life.

As I grew older, my passion for motocross grew as did my passion for mechanics.

From preparation work to engine and suspension overhauls, I loved taking things apart, servicing, repairing and rebuilding them. Fast forward 25 years and I am now the proud owner of my dream buggy tour company on the Costa del Sol. There is no doubt that maintenance is a crucial part of my business and it should never be overlooked. Clean and well-maintained buggies that are safe to drive are a no-brainer for me and I love working on them so they stay this way.

My plan for Red Mountain Buggy Tours was to start with a vehicle that I had already come to know very well from previous life as an “employee” in the buggy tour industry, the amazing GSMOON 260.They have proven to me time and time again that they are fun and reliable buggy however as with any off-road buggy, they must be maintained to a high standard. My skills as a mechanic meant that I could buy some second hand GSmoons and restore them to a new glory. The experience I gained already working on these buggies meant I knew in my head what I wanted them to look like and how I wanted them to drive. I knew what parts can be problematic and should be replaced and which parts needed upgrading. Armed with a list of replacement parts and a wish list of the upgrades I’d been wanting to test out for years I got cracking, stripping them down to the bare bones giving each buggy a full restoration. This for me as a mechanic is a great starting point to think about maintenance and how I would keep them running at 100%. Starting with a maintained and serviced buggy is key to success, I want my customers to have a great buggy experience, enjoy driving a vehicle that is different, fun and adventurous. 




Well-maintained buggies are great for my business and my customers but there is another element to my activity in Mijas which has always been important to me, the area in which we drive on tour.  The buggy tour takes a 40km route, and the majority of this route is off-road in the Sierra de Mijas, a mountain range that offers stunning views to the coast. I grew up in the countryside and after moving to Spain I fell in love with the beauty that Andalusia has to offer. For me It is important to care about preserving its beauty and health so well-maintained buggies help create less of an impact on the environment.

After all these years I definitely think that I took the correct career path.

I was fortunate to work in various departments of the motor industry and with all the valuable skills I have learned I am able to create a buggy tour company that is different in many ways and something I am very proud of. 

I can honestly say when I started as an apprentice mechanic I never imagined it could lead to where I am now. I still have more ideas for the buggies that I am looking forward to trying out and can’t wait for you guys to see them!!


Thank you all for being part of this adventure with me.



costa del sol

Time to Explore with us