From Vision to reality: Starting your own buggy tour company.

It started with a passion, a dream and a vision of buggy tours on the Costa del Sol.

That’s how every great achievement begins I guess. You have to feel it in your heart, see it in your mind and pursue it with your actions. Passion fuels your motivation, dream guides your direction and vision shapes your reality. Nothing is impossible when you have these three elements working together. You can overcome any obstacle, face any challenge and create any opportunity. You are the master of your own destiny. You have the power to make your passion, dream and vision come true. 

This being said, starting a business is a challenging and rewarding endeavor, but it can also be daunting, especially in a foreign country. You have to deal with different laws, regulations, cultures and languages and where do you even start??  In what order do I do things?? Should I get a license first or buy some buggies???

Well i found out it all kind of happens at once, there are so many moving parts to set up while learning on the go. It quickly showed me there is so much more to a buggy tour company than just driving around in cool buggies and showing people the sights. It’s also about restoring buggies, creating a website, finding insurance, getting a license and at all times keeping that vision in mind.

“small steps

every day”

So what is this all important vision? Well, on paper it’s simple, fully maintained and serviced buggies, a buggy tour route that combines nature and adventure, client safety and satisfaction, pretty much a holiday highlight on the Costa del Sol, aiming to make long lasting memories for all my customers. 

So keeping all this in mind it was time for action, I now have the opportunity to create something unique, valuable, and meaningful. Something built from the ground up with my own hard work and determination, taking small steps every day to make my business better, my services more satisfying and my customers happier. I celebrate every success, no matter how small, and I learn from every mistake. I know that by taking small steps in the search of perfection in my business, I am moving closer to my goals and dreams.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since I started working on this project. I had a big dream and a lot of challenges, but I never gave up. I worked hard, learned new skills and collaborated with amazing people. I got stressed more times than I can remember. I had bad days and good days but with the amazing support from family and friends I managed to tackle every obstacle with courage, creativity and patience.. And now I can see the results of my efforts. The vision is taking shape, and it’s more beautiful than we imagined and it continues to evolve. I am proud of what I have achieved and learned so far. I am not done yet, but I have come a long way and I am so excited for what’s next.

Thank you all for being a part of this adventure with me. 


Costa del Sol



“a route that combines nature and adventure, client safety and satisfaction, pretty much a holiday highlight on the Costa del Sol, aiming to make long lasting memories for all my customers. “


“fully maintained and serviced buggies”